Opening Night!
I guess the best thing about a limited run (very limited: 4 nights!) is there's no danger of closing early (goodbye, American Psycho, Bright Star, Allegiance, Amazing Grace, Dames at Sea, Disaster, Spring Awakening, and Tuck Everlasting--all Broadway shows that shuttered within a few months, if not days, of their opening this season).
The worst thing about a limited run is we only get to do it 4 nights, and then it's over! All that work for a little fleeting glory. I was going to say something about the lifespan of a butterfly, but it turns out they can live for 9 months or a year, wildly outdoing us. Fruit flies are short-lived, but there's nothing especially glorious about the fleeting beauty of a fruit fly. Unless you're another fruit fly, I suppose, and maybe even then most fruit flies might be "meh."
Anyway, opening night is upon us, and the show looks especially beautiful in the theatre with the costumes under the lights, and I'm just terribly excited, as I usually am ... and hard at work on the next show, which will be The Supermusical: More Powers to You, since superhero sequels seem all the rage.
Wish us luck!