Sarah Vollett
Assistant Director
Sarah Vollett has been a performer with the Broadway Chorus since 2008, choreographer since 2014, and Assistant Director since 2015. Favourite roles with the Chorus include a jingle lady, the ghost of an 80s prom queen, the wife of an evangelical preacher, and a very earnest pre-teen. As a choreographer, she's particularly proud of the "Mrs. Cladwell" clipboard dance routine in Déjà Vu-doo.
Her musical theatre journey started at age 11, when she performed with Modern Baroque Opera's The Child, the Book and the Broomstick. She was hooked, and hasn't looked back since. She figures she can trace the start of her directing career to when she saw Wicked on Broadway at age 15, and left the theatre complaining about how she could have staged "What is this Feeling?" so much better than the actual director. In recent years, she's been grateful to learn more about the technical elements of theatre, gaining a much greater appreciation for the importance of stage management and technical design in bringing a show to life.
When not wearing her theatre hat, Sarah is the lead business analyst at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC. She is infinitely grateful to Ashley and Sarah J for their continued trust in her leadership and for giving her the opportunity to live out her creative dreams. She also sends love to James for making the technical side of the Chorus shows happen so smoothly, so she doesn't have to worry about it.